
Time for a Declaration of Independence from Software Vendors?

Declaration of Independence from Software Vendors

The traditional advice given to companies is that it is best to standardize on a commercial software vendor for the core of the applications portfolio. Nevertheless, we are now seeing some clients push back against this advice and developing more of their own software in-house.

In this post, we trace the history of the commercial software industry and why the buyers in some cases are rebelling. We conclude by offering new guidelines on when to choose custom development over packaged solutions.

What Is Digital Transformation, and How Do We Get There?

What is Digital Transformation?

In enterprise technology, digital transformation is a hot topic. But what does it really mean? This post provides a simple definition of digital transformation, breaks down the main types of digital transformation, and recommends an approach for developing a digital transformation strategy.

Beyond Deployment Options: SaaS as a Business Model

Software as a service is more than just another deployment option, another way to consume software. SaaS is a business model. It not only affects the product: it should drive the nature of how the provider does business, from how the product is developed and maintained to how it is sold, implemented, and supported. It should permeate the very culture of the provider’s organization.

HR Technology Overshooting HR Capabilities

Human capital management (HCM) is a hot area for new technology, at least based on the number of new vendor offerings. Why then has there not been greater adoption of the technology by HR practitioners? This post outlines three reasons why interest is high but adoption slow, and discusses what business leaders should do about it.

Yahoo’s CFO on Silicon Valley Board Function and Dysfunction

Are Silicon Valley companies more prone to dysfunctional boards than other companies? What are the keys for ensuring that a board does not run off the rails? These were some of the questions that Strativa’s President, Frank Scavo, asked Ken Goldman, Yahoo’s CFO, last month in an on-stage interview at the Future in Review conference in Laguna Beach, Calif. As someone who has served on over thirty corporate boards in his career, Goldman had much to say about what works–and what doesn’t–on corporate boards.

Business Leaders Should Take an Expansive View of Innovation

When thinking about innovation, business leaders often set the bar too high for themselves.
What executives need is a more expansive view of innovation and think beyond technology to business process and business model innovation. In this post, we provide a framework for thinking about innovation in the context of a specific business and industry.